8 Quotes & Sayings By Francois De Fenelon

Francois de Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambrai, was born in 1555 at Grignan, in the diocese of Vienne, and died in 1611 at Paris. He was made archbishop of Cambrai and grand penitentiary to the Holy See in 1604. He is usually known as the author of The Spirit of the Liturgy (1687), for which he obtained a bull from Pope Innocent XII. Professor F Read more

J. Ewing says: "This treatise is his masterpiece." It consists of four parts: (1) "On the Christian Liturgy;" (2) "Against the Jansenists;" (3) "On Prayer;" and (4) "On Confirmation." The first part is in five books: Book I: "The Liturgy," in which the plan and meaning of the liturgy are explained in a very simple manner; Book II: "Of Confirmation," in which there is a clear explanation of the reasons for and against confirmation; Books III and IV, "Of Prayer," in which prayer is explained as it should be. He also wrote many theological works, especially on justification, predestination, and original sin, and theological commentaries on Scripture.

Courage is a virtue only so far as it is directed by prudence. Francois De Fenelon
Mankind by the perverse depravity of their nature esteem that which they have most desired as of no value the moment it is possessed and torment themselves with fruitless wishes for that which is beyond their reach. Francois De Fenelon
Peace does not dwell in outward things but within the soul we may preserve it in the midst of the bitterest pain if our will remains firm and submissive. Peace in this life springs from acquiescence to not in an exemption from suffering. Francois De Fenelon
Even if no command to pray had existed our very weakness would have suggested it. Francois De Fenelon
Time spent in prayer is never wasted. Francois De Fenelon
I would have no desire other than to accomplish thy will. Teach me to pray pray thyself in me. Francois De Fenelon
Worry is the cross which we make for ourselves by overanxiety. Francois De Fenelon